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Top 5 Resources:
- Our self-imposed scarcity of nice places (article)
- We regulate the wrong things (article)
- What to do when your city won't listen to reason (article)
- We can have both more housing and good urban form (article)
- Strong Towns 101 (Academy Course, free)
Event Recording
Vancouver and Metro Vancouver Related Content on the Strong Towns Website
- Vancouver's West End Challenges Assumptions About Compatibility by Daniel Herriges (2018)
- Rage Against the Machine by Daniel Herriges (2020)
- Postcards from the Edges: With COVID-19, Density Is Not Destiny by Joe Cortright (2020)
- The Artificially Inflated Land Use of Parking by Juri Artibise (2016)
- Toward a Family-Friendly Vancouver by Jennifer Griffin (2018)
- Legalize the Village by Charles Montgomery (2021)
- Can Cohousing Solve the Housing Crisis and Loneliness Epidemic? by Emma Avery (2024)
- What Can Hives and Barnacles Teach Us About Solving a Housing Crisis? by Patrick Condon (2020)
- Intersection Repair at Pender St and Abbott St. in Vancouver by Rachel Quednau (2015)
- Play in the Big City by Daniel Herriges (2023)
- Bike Lanes: Good or Bad for Business by Rachel Quednau (2016)
- Why Cities and Walking Go Hand in Hand by Sandy James (2016)
Incremental Development
- Unleash the Swarm of Small Scale Development (e-book) and Office Hours Q&A
- Where did all the small developers go? (article)
- Savor your small parcels and create more of them (article)
- A new generation of town makers (article)
- We need small homes (article)
- Illustrating investment potential in your neighborhood (article)
- Is gentle density enough? (article)
- Lets infill a traditional neighborhood and make a profit (article)
- Encouraging fine grained development (article)
- Getting lean and the end of block development (article)
- On beyond infill (article)
Municipal Government Action
- Have you met this guy? (article)
- If we're not going to maintain what we have, then why bother building anything new? (article)
- Give the people what they want (article)
- Kick the tires on your local zoning code (article)
- You care about the subdivision regulations: you just don't know it (article)
- Stop shoehorning suburbia into walkable places (article)
- Why aren't parks open at night? (article)
- Grand parks vs neighborhood parks (article)
- 10 steps to fix your city (article)
- If we don't maintain it, it will fall apart (article)
- Orderly but dumb (article)
- Small, simple, and flexible (article)
- Let them apply for variances (article)
- Conversations with an engineer (article)
- How zoning codes reinforce car dependency (article)
- We regulate the wrong things (article)
- What to do when your city won't listen to reason (article)
Traditional Development Pattern
- Is this development out of scale? (article)
- We can have both more housing and good urban form (article)
- Porches, walkability, and sustainability (article)
- The party analogy (article)
- Neighborhoods were never meant to be unchanging (article)
- Movie set urbanism revisited (article)
- Recipe for a remarkable neighborhood (article)
- The catch 22 of retrofitting the suburbs (article)
- Learning to love a humble neighborhood (article)
- The living city vs the mechanical city (article)
- The invisible hand that designed your city (article)
- 3 Rochester neighborhoods and why they work (article)
- Better towns through stress (article)
- The value of old buildings (article)
- Small spaces and secret passages (article)
- Good enough urbanism (article)
- Traditional development is not retro: it's timeless (article)
- Our self-imposed scarcity of nice places (article)
- There are problems the market can't solve: parking isn't one of them (article)
- Stuck in Park (e-book)
Community & Safety
- 8 ways to be a better neighborhood (article)
- The magic of tree lined streets (article)
- Accidentally on purpose (article)
Learn (Even) More
- Creating Housing Opportunities in a Strong Town (ST Academy Course $395)
- Urban Design Principles for a Strong Town (ST Academy Course $225)
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