Zoning Reform for a Stronger Future || Office Hours || Daniel Herriges

Norm Van Eeden Petersman
Norm Van Eeden Petersman
  • Updated



00:00 Intro

01:46 Should discussions of housing focus more on income-producing housing?

06:25 Form Based Code?

12:32 Do you have examples of successful zoning reform?

16:34 Is small scale development too slow?

23:16 How do we engage meaningfully with those who oppose zoning reform?

28:33 How to build housing when there isn't space?

31:21 Here's why we must humanize the discussion about housing

33:29 Closing Thoughts


About Office Hours

Our door is wide open once a week for Strong Towns members to come and discuss how to build resilience and prosperity in their communities. Each week will focus on a different topic with a member of the Strong Towns team. The tone is casual and conversational. Drop in late if you need to; you’ll be just as welcome.

Wednesdays at 1 p.m. ET on Zoom

Submit your questions and ideas for topics in advance as you register, or ask them on the fly. Just so you know, pre-submitted questions and topics will be given priority during the conversation. 

Schedule & Registration Details Are Available Here

Can't attend? Catch the replay in Action Lab once it gets posted.


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