The Community Lifecycle Infrastructure Costing Tool

Norm Van Eeden Petersman
Norm Van Eeden Petersman


The Community Lifecycle Infrastructure Costing Tool

The CLIC tool is designed to help local municipalities “estimate the lifecycle cost implications of different land use patterns over a 100-year period.”

A handful of British Columbia communities participated in case studies with the tool's original pilot phase, with an understanding that how we choose to build may determine the financial trajectory of our cities for decades. One of these communities, the city of Prince George, pursued the use of CLIC to “get at the front-end land use decision making of how they take new assets on, through the long-range planning function.” The city used CLIC to compare and contrast two common development scenarios: a low-density new subdivision and a medium-density infill scenario. Whichever scenario the tool determined would be the most financially solvent, the city would seek to encourage and facilitate.

The case study reports that by using the CLIC tool, Prince George was able to demonstrate that “[i]nitial capital costs in the infill scenario are a mere fraction (about 94–97% lower) than that of the subdivision scenario.” To see everything the CLIC tool revealed, check out the full study here


Read Seairra Shepherd's article about the CLIC here: 




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