00:00 Introduction
03:18 [when we advocate in our community] do we need to let [elected leaders] know our political [affiliation]?
07:14 [What advice do you have for group leaders who are just starting up and have no community presence yet?]
13:32 In communities that still have local reporters for newspapers or other media, do you have recommendations for effective messaging that gets coverage?
30:45 How do we ‘translate’ Strong Towns ideas into the common language of locals around us?
40:00 How can a Local Conversations group make use of a regular newsletter and manage & develop an email list?
51:15 - How can we be trustworthy in our advocacy?
Recommended Reading
When Content Creators Share Strong Towns Ideas People Listen https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2022/11/24/when-content-creators-share-strong-towns-ideas-people-listen
Lauren Ronnander on the Bottom-Up Revolution Podcast
Five Places to Meet New People to Join the Strong Towns Conversation https://www.strongtowns.org/journal/2021/4/30/five-places-to-meet-new-people-to-join-the-strong-towns-conversation
About Office Hours
Our door is wide open once a week for Strong Towns members to come and discuss how to build resilience and prosperity in their communities. Each week will focus on a different topic with a member of the Strong Towns team. The tone is casual and conversational. Drop in late if you need to; you’ll be just as welcome.
Wednesdays at 1 p.m. ET on Zoom
Submit your questions and ideas for topics in advance as you register, or ask them on the fly. Just so you know, pre-submitted questions and topics will be given priority during the conversation.
Schedule & Registration Details Are Available Here
Can't attend? Catch the replay in Action Lab once it gets posted.
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