"I got put on a committee... now what?" || Office Hours || John Reuter

Norm Van Eeden Petersman
Norm Van Eeden Petersman
  • Updated

00:00 Introduction

4:29 A deep dive into what committee's look for

9:51 How do we get along with people who are ‘dead wrong’ about things?

18:53 What's the best way as a new member to engage with a committee of largely older members that might be already feeling deflated?

22:51 How can we encourage our council to make decisions that can make our town a stronger place?

28:54 How to increase committee engagement?

32:48 How do I get onto a committee?

35:58 knowing when the neighborhood defenders are right and wrong

45:25 Do I need to be well versed on Roberts Rules of Order in order to serve?

49:29 closing thoughts


Recommended Reading

A Pattern Language by Chris Alexander 

City Comforts: How to Build an Urban Village by David Sucher: 

Good City and the Good Life by Daniel Kemmis : https://www.amazon.com/Good-City-Life-Renewing-Community/dp/039568630X

9 Ways to Change an Elected Officials Mind 

The Tribe Mentality by Chuck Marohn 

We Need Small Homes by Chuck Marohn 

Let them apply for variances by Nolan Gray 

The Next Evolution of Public Hearings 


About Office Hours

Our door is wide open once a week for Strong Towns members to come and discuss how to build resilience and prosperity in their communities. Each week will focus on a different topic with a member of the Strong Towns team. The tone is casual and conversational. Drop in late if you need to; you’ll be just as welcome.

Wednesdays at 1 p.m. ET on Zoom

Submit your questions and ideas for topics in advance as you register, or ask them on the fly. Just so you know, pre-submitted questions and topics will be given priority during the conversation. 

Schedule & Registration Details Are Available Here

Can't attend? Catch the replay in Action Lab once it gets posted.


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