Additional Materials

Anthony Harris
Anthony Harris
  • Updated

Interested in learning more? Check out some of these recommended articles and materials. 


Unleash the Swarm: A New E-book on Reviving Small-Scale Development
This e-book explores what it would take to revive small-scale development as a force significant enough to shape and grow our cities.


Pre-Approved House Designs Jump-Start Infill Development in South Bend

“If you want to know what it looks like to bring small-scale development back as a force that can revitalize American neighborhoods, you need to be watching South Bend, Indiana.”


Florida City Prepares Pre-Approved Plans To Lower Barriers for Small Developers

This program makes incremental infill as “turnkey and easy as possible” by streamlining plan review and assisting incremental developers reduce the layers of risk and uncertainty.


South Bend Offers Small Developers Pre-Approved Housing Templates | Planetizen News

“The plans, developed with the help of incremental developers and design experts, are specifically crafted for South Bend’s existing neighborhoods, where they fit the current zoning rules, lot sizes and shapes, and market conditions, and nod to the city’s historic architectural vernacular.”


What’s Not to Like? – Pre-Approved Plans Offer Faster Permitting, Cheaper Housing, Quality Design 

“These plans can be reused in the future reducing the time to process to counter the standard array of zoning, building code, and utility requirements, generally overwhelming the non-professional. This approach reduces the frustration of homeowners or contractors investing in the city.” 


Pre-approved accessory units streamline small-scale infill | CNU 

“Seattle, which adopted one of the nation’s most progressive accessory dwelling unit (ADU) ordinances for cities, has taken this idea a step further by streamlining plans and designs that work. The city made it easier for homeowners to build these units by offering pre-approved plans that are inexpensive to purchase from different architects.”


Going Deeper on Pre-Approved Plans - by Kevin

“Engaging the building community to understand the struggles they face when investing in the city and responding with code and procedural updates with city staff is a recipe for success if you want investment in your community.”


Top 10 Tips for Cities Considering Pre-Approved Housing Plans

"Pre-approved housing plans aren't just for small single-family homes, duplexes, and townhouses. In fact, they can play a key role in spurring the delivery of missing middle hosuing at a variety of sizes and price points."



City Neighborhood Initiative will help build homes in South Bend

“One of the most exciting bits about this is to show families that they can build a smaller home that fits right into the neighborhood.”


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