Course: Starting Your Own Crash Analysis Studio

Edward Erfurt
Edward Erfurt
  • Updated

Approximately 40,000 people are killed every year on our roadways in the United States. The saddest truth is that many of these crashes are preventable. A few simple changes in design could prevent these crashes and save thousands of lives.

We all know a dangerous street or intersection in our community. We’ve all heard about casualties or injuries near where we live. Nobody should have to deal with that pain—especially when the solution is so simple.

Instead of merely assigning blame, we should be learning from crashes so we can reduce the number of them.

Starting Your Own Crash Analysis Studio is a free course with everything you need to know to plan and present your own Crash Analysis Studio. Following the completion of this course, you will have the confidence to give car crashes the attention they deserve, and stop them from happening in the first place.

That’s what you want for your community. And that’s what this course is designed to help you do.


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