Crash Overview

Anthony Harris
Anthony Harris
  • Updated

Location Description

King Edward Avenue and its intersection with Somerset Street East is nearby the University of Ottawa and the Sandy Hill neighborhood. Student housing, multiple retail developments, university buildings, and some commercial land usage populate this stretch of roadway. King Edward Avenue is typically associated with interprovincial travel as it is located near and entry point to Quebec. The crash location is just north of the Trans-Canada Highway (417) and Mann Avenue (64). Within a block of the crash location, you can access a restaurant, a pharmacy, and the uOttawa Henderson Residence.

Crash Summary

  • The crash happened at this intersection a little after 5:30am on Tuesday, October 18, 2022. 
  • A motorist driving a Mazda 3 struck two young women - though one survived her serious injuries, the other died from hers in the hospital shortly after the crash. 

Why was this crash nominated? 

  • This is an urban, university-centric environment where crashes have been known to commonly occur. Strong Towns believes its important to investigate collisions like these in multiple communities across North America.
  • Even though we weren't able to get a crash report from the authorities, there was valuable information available to the public. Our nominator and local experts also carry significant knowledge of the area that was useful in pulling necessary information togetehr.  

What additional information is available? 


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