Session Recording

Anthony Harris
Anthony Harris
  • Updated

Panelist List

  • Anthony Catania is a professionally-trained architect, urban designer, and the founder of AMC Architecture & Design, LLC. Catania established his own practice to focus on the design of traditional urban building types and walkable urban environments. Prior to establishing AMC, Anthony worked in architecture and urban design in Washington, D.C. for seven years. He relocated his practice to the Oklahoma City area in early 2023 to better serve his clients and contribute to growth in this Oklahoma City metro area. Catania earned a Master of Architecture from the University of Notre Dame and a Bachelor of Humanities & Arts from Carnegie Mellon University.
  • Thomas LaCroix is a native of North County in the San Diego area. Thomas currently works as a web developer for Schwab. As an engaged reader of Strong Towns, Thomas decided to nominate this crash for our review because he couldn’t stop seeing the problems associated with street design and transportation in his community. Thomas also started a Local Conversation in Oceanside, the city that neighbors Carlsbad to its north.
  • Pete Penseyres has lived in Carlsbad since 2016. Pete is a concerned community member, a Carlsbad Traffic Safety & Mobility Commissioner, and a certified bicyclist instructor. Prior to moving to Carlsbad, Pete lived in Oceanside, where he served as co-chair of the local Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee. He primarily travels by bicycle or on foot. Pete decided to participate after hearing about the Crash Analysis Studio project from Tom (Thomas) when they met at an Oceanside Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee meeting.
  • Edward Erfurt is the Director of Community Action at Strong Towns. He is a trained architect and urban designer with over 20 years of public-sector and private-sector experience. Edward has a skilled eye when it comes to evaluating the safety issues posed by intersections, roads, and streets. 

What additional information is available? 

  • Carlsbad Crash Presentation - PDF version of the Powerpoint from session recording
  • A copy of the session's transcript 
  • A copy of the speed data information
  • Thomas LaCroix's drawing of suggestions for this intersection
  • A link to the video footage from the presentation

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