As Strong Towns continues to carry out sessions, we've decided to keep a list of helpful articles and resources for your reference here.
- has information on speed data collection, specifically Varia Radar and Garmin technology. You can use this tool and this site to compile information about traffic patterns in communities across North America and beyond.
Pedestrian Crash Analysis Shows That Even at Low Speeds, Accidents Often Cause Severe Injuries
- This article provides helpful statistics and standards information.
ISA: What is Intelligent Speed Assistance and How Does It Work?
- This article outlines what ISA systems are and how, by preventing drivers from exceeding the speed limit, they can help limit the number of crashes we see on our roads.
Department of Justice/Department of Transportation Joint Technical Assistance1 on the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act Requirements to Provide Curb Ramps when Streets, Roads, or Highways are Altered through Resurfacing
- This is one Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) document that outlines more information about curb ramps, road resurfacing, and alterations.
Why Are So Many More Pedestrians Dying in the U.S.?
- Broadcast on January 4, 2024, this resource explores the research of two reporters that are concerned with why pedestrian deaths have been on the rise in the United States since 2009.
Learning from the Medical Profession, Ryan Crane: Malpractice and Accountability in Engineering—A Surgeon's Take
Otolaryngologist and surgeon Ryan Crane discusses how these morbidity and mortality conferences are a chance for medical practitioners to learn, through peer review, where they may have gone wrong in caring for a patient. The medical field certainly isn’t perfect, but perhaps engineers should take a leaf from the doctor’s book.
- To Err is Human: Building a Safer Health System, Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Quality of Health Care in America. Linda T. Kohn, Janet M. Corrigan, Molla S. Donaldson, ,editors.
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