Crash Overview

Anthony Harris
Anthony Harris
  • Updated

Location Description 

The 13th Avenue South and 32nd Street South intersection in Fargo is a site of concern due to a variety of traffic issues and safety challenges. The North Dakota Highway Patrol has historically been involved in investigating these issues; the Patrol is actively seeking a better understanding of safety problems. 13th Avenue South is considered a major arterial road with multiple lanes and high traffic volumes. The design of this roadway can heighten risk experienced by motorists and non-motorist users, especially pedestrians traveling through the area on foot. 

There are multiple commercial, recreational, and residential areas surrounding this intersection. Shopping centers, parks, restaurants, and new developments all likely increase the amount of foot traffic that moves through the area on a regular basis. 

Crash Summary

  • Around 5:50 am, a 68-year-old female pedestrian was walking north along 13th Avenue to wait at the bus stop situated just north of the westbound lanes. 
  • A 63-year-old man was driving a 2008 Chevrolet Silverado in the middle westbound lane when he struck the pedestrian.
  • The speed limit on this stretch of 13th Avenue is 35 miles per hour (mph).
  • The pedestrian was in or near the marked crosswalk on the east side of the 13th Avenue and 32nd Street intersection when the crash occurred. 

Why was this crash nominated? 

  • Nominator Arlette is involved with the Fargo Local Conversation and carefully reviewed a few crashes to submit before contacting us; Strong Towns values critical engagement by members and local leaders! 
  • Strong Towns believes that the design of this intersection and 13th Avenue in general shows characteristics of a stroad environment that often put pedestrians and motorists at unnecessary risk. 

What additional information is available? 

  • A diagram to assist you with visualizing and understanding the measurements of the crash location.
  • A folder containing the speed study and processed speed data.
  • A copy of the redacted crash report. 

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