Local Business - Case Studies and Examples

John Pattison
John Pattison
  • Updated

"Low-Cost Pop-up Shops Create Big Value in Muskegon, Michigan"

One of the most popular stories ever shared on Strong Towns—one that has inspired multiple cities to duplicate these efforts. This article explains how Muskegon, Michigan, turned some cheap sheds into a powerful tool for small business start-ups, and revitalized their downtown in the process.

"The Bottom-Up Revolution is... an Entrepreneur Creating Opportunities for Fellow Entrepreneurs"

This podcast interview features a young entrepreneur whose wellness shop in a lower-income neighborhood provides a platform for fellow entrepreneurs to sell their own wares.

"Moxie, a Local Clothing Store with a Mission"

This interview with a clothing store owner in Hibbing, Minnesota, shares the challenges and wins of a small downtown business.

"How a Local Bookstore Can Make Your Town Richer—In More Than One Way"

Local bookstores can anchor and strengthen a community and provide an economic backbone for your neighborhood. 

"Akron’s Northside Marketplace Provides a Prototype for Boosting Local Business"

Northside Marketplace is a retail and dining space that serves as a community marketplace, social hangout, and culinary destination in downtown Akron, Ohio.

"Evolution of the Corner Store"

Corner markets used to be a staple in any neighborhood, and with the right mindset and tools—not to mention more permission from local governments to actually exist—they could see a resurgence in your city.

"Main Street vs. Big Box Stores: A Western North Carolina Analysis"

Property taxes represent the largest source of revenue for most local governments, and data shows that even unglamorous downtown areas offer more value as taxable properties than big box stores.

"How Music Has Helped One Neighborhood Connect with Its Past and Plan for Its Future"

A pop-up music shop in Akron, Ohio, offers a model for how to develop commercial space, fill storefronts and bring in new business through the collaboration of local nonprofits, development, and government. 

"How Local Businesses can Become (Economically Resilient) Gathering Places"

In this podcast interview, you'll learn about how bookstores can play an important role as a "third space"—a community gathering space where neighbors can get to know one another.


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