Gentrification - Case Studies and Examples

John Pattison
John Pattison
  • Updated

"Can a Neighborhood Rebuild Wealth for the People Who Actually Live There?"

A small-scale developer in Atlanta is showing that it’s possible to improve a neighborhood without displacing the people who already live there.

"Rust Belt Cities Need Investment, Not Gentrification Worries"

New investment and residential redevelopment is not the enemy of these communities. It is their best friend.

"Can You Have Revitalization Without Gentrification? Derek Avery Thinks So."

Derek Avery spoke at the North Texas Gathering about an often contentious topic: the relationship between revitalization and gentrification. He owns COIR Holdings with his wife Bianca. At a glance, the company might look like any other developer, but they are committed to providing middle- and low-income housing in struggling neighborhoods. And not only that: when building in a neighborhood, they don’t stop at housing. They take a holistic approach by building education resources and investing in community.

"The Bottom-Up Revolution is... Creating a Coffee Shop for the Whole Neighborhood"

Coté Soeren’s “Resistencia” coffee shop in Seattle is a space for community connection and support, not gentrification.

"Helping Low-Income Homeowners Become Landlords in Denver"

A pilot project in Denver aims to help low-income homeowners add accessory dwelling units to their property. If it succeeds, it will help people remain in their communities, build wealth, and deliver affordable homes to a new generation of neighbors.


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