Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) - Case Studies and Examples

John Pattison
John Pattison
  • Updated

"Accessory Dwelling Units Rock. But Should States Be Overriding Cities' Laws About Building Them?" (Podcast)

Building an accessory apartment is one of the gentlest ways you can increase the housing stock in your town. But does that mean that states should be the ones making the rules about how you can do it—even if those rules are permissive?

"So You Want to Build an ADU?"

Let’s walk through what it actually takes to build a small rental apartment on your property in Austin, Texas. It’s a lesson in how the city’s existing code stymies gentle, incremental, small-scale development.

"Three Cheers for Lexington's ADU Ordinance"

Lexington, Kentucky, recently proposed an ordinance that would allow accessory dwelling units. Nolan Gray explains how ADUs are good for renters, good for homeowners, and good for the city — and why Lexington’s ordinance is (almost) perfect.

"Could You Move In Next Door?"

Given our current pattern of development, is it overly romantic to want to transition through the stages of life while remaining in the same neighborhood, with the same people around us?

"Making Normal Neighborhoods Legal Again"

The growing movement to end exclusive single-family zoning—as Oregon just did in its cities—is not a radical or untested experiment: it’s a return to a historical norm. The actual radical experiment is the strange notion that a neighborhood should be required to contain only one type of home.

"What if They Passed Zoning Reform and Nobody Came?"

Last November, Minneapolis made duplexes and triplexes legal on any residential lot—an achievement that became a model for other towns and cities. Let’s check in.

"In Vermont, One Step Closer to Finding 'Missing Middle' Housing"

A bill making its way through the Vermont legislature could be a model for making communities more affordable, more walkable, and more prosperous.

"The Magic of the Granny Flat"

Due to their flexibility and utility, ADUs have captured the attention of seniors and aging-in-place advocates. Read more about the story of Megan Parrish, her mother Pat Dalrymple, and their experience with an ADU. 

"Accessory Dwelling Units On Properties in the City of Columbus and Bartholomew County"

This resource lays out information related to ADUs in a particular context, including details on process, location, standards, and living area.

"Zoning Reform Is Helping This City Avoid the Housing Crisis"

In 2017, California passed a law that was supposed to open up new levels of incremental development. But in many cities, zoning codes still make that development near-impossible. The city of Ukiah is working to change that.

"Phoenix Legalizes Casitas, aka Accessory Dwelling Units"

Add Phoenix, AZ, to the list of cities embracing accessory dwelling units as a tool to tackle the housing crisis.

"The Bottom-Up Revolution Is…Building an Accessory Dwelling Unit and Helping Others Do the Same"

After jumping through many government hoops, permits, and financing challenges to get her ADU project off the ground, Sarah Cipkar was motivated to help others navigate this process, too. She started a pilot project called ADUSearch, which is an online hub where anyone can look up their address and find out what sorts of additional dwelling units could be built on their property. She began this initiative with properties in Windsor, but is now expanding it, thanks to some grants and partnerships, to encompass the entire country of Canada.

"ADUs Are Working Great—Just Not for the Twin Cities"

Why hasn't there been more small-scale and incremental housing added in the Twin Cities after the zoning reform that was passed several years ago?

"California ADU Reform: A Retrospective"

Gray explores how laws related to ADUs have been changing in recent years. Since streamlining the permitting process in 2016, California policymakers have laid out a statewide set of rules for legalizing ADUs. Gray states that ADU legalization has led to a building boom, and that ADUs now represent a large share of new housing that's being produced in many cities across the state. This legalization success serves as a model for future land-use reforms in California and other states attempting to address the housing shortage.

Zoning, Housing, Attainability, & ADUS

In this presentation, Kronberg Urbanists + Architects review laws and factors that are feeding Atlanta's housing crisis. They look at Atlanta's historical growth trends, demographic changes, transit systems, and neighborhood maps. Household size is also discussed before delving into accessory units, structures, and their potential for supplementing existing supply issues. 



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