Location Description
The 5600 block of Ager Road is located in Hyattsville, Maryland nearby multiple destinations that are popular with pedestrians, motorists, and cyclists. The crash location is next to a bus loop and very close to the West Hyattsville metro station. Housing developments, including Riverfront and Kirkwood apartments, populate this area. There are also numerous trails and community parks nearby.
Crash Summary
- The collision at this block in occurred at 10:18pm on August 13, 2021.
- A motorist struck Hellen Jorgensen as Jorgensen was walking along the crosswalk; the crash resulted in Jorgensen's death.
- Though multiple sources relay the driver was traveling northbound along Ager Road, some accounts - including portions of both the Prince George's county and City of Hyattsville crash reports, indicate the motorist was driving in the southbound lanes.
- The Prince George's County police report stated the following as contributing circumstances:
- failure to give full time and attention
- too fast for conditions
- inattentive
- The Prince George's County police report also listed an electronic device (a navigational palm pilot) as a distraction.
Why was this crash nominated?
- Since the crash location is nearby pedestrian generators like the West Hyattsville metro station, it seems reasonable to expect a certain degree of safety for those navigating this area on foot.
- The location merits a closer look because fatal car crashes are still occurring here even though the area's recent redesign and redevelopment has won multiple awards
What additional information is available?
- Redacted versions of both the City of Hyattsville Police Report (linked here) and the Prince George's County Police Report (attached) that were filed to document the crash.
- Please note that our session panelists identified discrepancies in the Prince George's County Police Report; for example, the report states a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour (MPH) when the actual speed limit is 30 MPH.
- A diagram to assist you with visualizing and understanding the measurements of the crash location.
- A folder containing the speed study and processed speed data used for this session.
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