Supplemental Photos, Videos, & Resources

Anthony Harris
Anthony Harris
  • Updated

Danny Schaible - Councilmember, Ward 2, of Hyattsville City Council - nominated this crash for our review. Danny and his colleagues played a crucial role in preparations by gathering, organizing, reviewing, and analyzing informational materials that guided our session. Strong Towns tasked Danny with gathering photos and videos of the intersection and the surrounding area to aid us in our review. You can see more of these materials through the links below: 

Additional resources have also become available since this crash analysis took place: 

  • The Hyattsville Multimodal Toolkit is a collection of street treatments, or tools, designed to calm motor vehicle traffic and reduce crashes in the City of Hyattsville, particularly crashes between motor vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. 
  • The Safer Streets in Prince George's County from July 10, 2024 is a helpful resource for understanding ongoing safety advocacy work in the area. This presentation was delivered to a recently formed pedestrian safety workgroup. 

Strong Towns extends special thanks to following parties for their assistance:

  • Melissa Schweisguth, Dan Behrend, Lindsay Booth, Andrew Fichter, and Melanie Marino - helped conduct the speed study, gather photos, shoot videos, chronicle timeline information, compile other research, and analyze data 
  • the Hyattsville Street Design Team 
  • the Washington Area Bicycling Association (WABA) - supplied radar guns to help with the speed study
  • Coalition for Smarter Growth (and the RISE Prince George's Initiative) 

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