Session Recording

Anthony Harris
Anthony Harris
  • Updated


Panelist List

  • Dan Burden is known by his peers for his inspirational pioneering work in Active Transportation helping people, organizations and governments transform their communities into places for people first. He’s a walkability expert, a visionary, an innovator, and an authority on built environment topics. He has more than 45 years of experience helping create livable communities and in 2014 the White House Honored Dan as a champion of change in transportation. Early in 2023 Dan Burden transitioned to become the first Fellow for Blue Zones, LLC. an international health organization that honored him as a lifelong innovator in successfully rebuilding communities for human and community health.
  • Council Member Wanika Fisher represents district 2 of Prince George’s County. She was sworn in during December of 2022. County Council Member Fisher is passionate about engaging community members and leaders in addressing the transportation and development issues that surround them. She holds a Bachelor’s in government and politics from University of Maryland, College Park and earned her JD from Dickinson School of Law, Pennsylvania State University.
  • Melissa Schweisguth is a community member who regularly travels  - mostly on foot or bike but sometimes via car - through and around the area where this crash occurred. She obtained the MD Open Data crash report data set and lent the Strong Towns team a lot of help in organizing and reviewing the raw data about the crash as it was being collected. Melissa wants to see state, county, and local governments invest more money, more quickly and more strategically in making our streets truly safe and welcoming to all users.
  • Yohannes Bennehoff is a transportation planner working in Washington D.C. and has lived in Hyattsville for 7 years. He lives a few blocks from the crash location and travels through the area regularly.
  • Edward Erfurt is the Director of Community Action at Strong Towns. He is a trained architect and urban designer with over 20 years of public and private sector experience focused on design, management, and implementation of placemaking and development projects. He believes in community-focused processes that are guided through town-planning principles and development patterns and result in sustainable growth. 
  • Charles Marohn - known as "Chuck" to colleagues and friends - is the president and founder of Strong Towns. He is a land use planner and civil engineer with decades of experience. He holds a bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and a Master of Urban and Regional planning, both from the University of Minnesota. He is also the author of Confessions of a Recovering Engineer: Transportation for a Strong Town (Wiley 2021).

What additional information is included in the attachments? 

  • Hyattsville Crash Presentation - PDF version of the Powerpoint from session recording
  • A copy of the session's transcript 
  • A copy of the speed data information 

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