Local Food - Top Content

John Pattison
John Pattison
  • Updated

"Strength Test: Could Your Community Survive on Local Food?"

A Strong Town shouldn’t rely on resources that come from halfway around the world in order to survive, and food is one of the most basic resources we all need. This Strength Test question tells us how antifragile your food system is, and how well you’d be able to withstand volatile shifts in food and transportation prices.

"Street Vendors Are Vital Local Businesses. Cities Need to Do More to Support Them."

We need to extend the "open streets" and sidewalk dining revolution to include a fair shake for the smallest of small entrepreneurs. Here are several ways we make life hard for street vendors compared to entrepreneurs higher up the food chain—and how people are working to change that.

"Modern Small-Scale Farming—Could it Sustain us? Could We Sustain It?"

Could any of our communities actually survive on local food alone? Could we ever get to a point where local food makes up most of our diets and where local farmers are successfully supplying that? Six small-scale farmers discuss the challenges and successes of their modern-day farm efforts.

"No, We Still Don't Need Drive-Thrus"

If someone in your city is telling you that the drive-thru is now the inevitable future of the restaurant biz, here's what you tell them.

"5 Ways to Access and Support Local Food"

The Strong Towns Strength Test features this important question: If you wanted to eat only locally-produced food for a month, could you? In most towns, the answer is probably "no." Here are five ways to shift the dial in the direction of "yes."

"How to Build a More Resilient Local Food System"

These four steps will put your city or town on the path toward greater resilience and sovereignty.


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