"Will 2021 Be the Year Zoning Reform Reaches Critical Mass?"
"Where the Missing Middle Isn't Missing"
"Three Cheers for Minneapolis (The 3 is for Triplex)"
"Want to Show People What Their City Could Be? Build It."
"Spokane Opens the Door for Middle Housing Expansion"
In Summer 2022, the city council of Spokane, WA, voted on a truly “bold, transformational package” that will allow for more forms of missing-middle housing and infill development in the city.
"This City's Permanent Middle Housing Rules Should Set a Statewide Standard"
Spokane, WA, has finalized its year-long effort to legalize more housing choices across the city—and their new code is something other cities should be paying attention to.
"Houston Tackles Missing-Middle Housing With Major Land Use Reform"
Houston has long been a poster child for urban planning ills—but now it’s set to pass a revision of its land-use ordinances that could trigger a wave of construction for missing-middle housing.
"The Winds Are Changing on Incremental Housing"
A bill to legalize certain forms of “missing middle” housing statewide in Minnesota appears dead in the legislature. Yet, here are 4 reasons why it’s still not a total loss.
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