Local Government - Top Content

John Pattison
John Pattison
  • Updated

10 Questions to Ask Someone Running for Local Office

Want to figure out whether a local candidate for public office will uphold Strong Towns principles and values on the job? Ask them these 10 questions.

Running government like a business

Run your city with business principles, just don’t run it with business values.

The Great GASB!

There are major flaws in the accounting standards that shape municipal finance in American cities. But there’s an opportunity too: a chance to comment on—and perhaps change—those standards going forward.

The Ultimate Guide to Better Public Engagement

How can cities and towns effectively reach and listen to all residents, and use their perspectives to shape the future of the community? This guide will show you.

Citizens are not Customers

Strong towns won't be built if residents see themselves as passive customers merely consuming city services.

9 Ways to Change an Elected Official’s Mind

Changing minds isn’t easy, but it’s one of the most powerful things you can do to make your town stronger. Here's how to get started.

A Plan for Building Strong Rural Communities

Local governments need to be repositioned to advocate up instead of merely administering down. As an alternative to populist fervor or broad disenfranchisement, this is the kind of authentic representation that Rural America needs.

Trading Stability for Growth

We've traded stability for growth, but now we find that we have neither.


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